Graduate Assistantships

In addition to offering income, assistantships, fellowships, and grants provide students with valuable experience and training for careers in academia and elsewhere.

School of History and Sociology Support

Most full-time Ph.D. students are supported either by teaching assistantships or by research assistantships. Both forms of support carry tuition remission as well as a base stipend of $10,310 per term and require that students devote approximately 13 hours a week to assistantship tasks. In some cases, students work an additional seven hours per week and receive an additional stipend or 3 hours of course credit.

In addition, a select number of entering students receive fellowships that increase their level of financial support beyond the base stipend. The terms and conditions of these fellowships vary. Some supplement assistantships, other release student from assistantship duties for one or more years. 

Research assistantships with faculty have been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Sloan Foundation, the Sloan Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies, Georgia Public Television, the Humboldt Foundation, and the Georgia Humanities Council.

The School of History and Sociology also offers fellowship support for student travel and research.  Students also may receive summer funding, usually through teaching assistantship positions that pay at least $2,500.

Additional information about Graduate Assistantships, loans, and off-campus employment options is available on the Office of Graduate Studies.

Georgia Tech Fellowships

The President's Fellowship: A few highly qualified entering students receive this fellowship in addition to their assistantship. This distinguished fellowship, guaranteed for four years so long as the recipient maintains satisfactory progress, provides a salary supplement that raises the annual stipend to at least $22,500, plus tuition remission.

Teacher Apprenticeship Program (TAP)

Created with a GT-FIRE (Funding Innovation in Research and Education) award in 2016, TAP provides a selection of doctoral candidates each year with the opportunity to advance their college teaching skills and experience while working on their dissertations.  A TAP award provides fall, spring, and summer support to candidates at the dissertation writing stage of their program.  During the fall semester they work one-on-one as an apprentice with a faculty mentor on a course of interest.  Spring semester, TAP participant develop their own course with support from their mentor and from the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL); they then teach that course during the summer term.  The TAP program helps Ph.D. candidates make significant progress on their dissertations while providing teacher training and classroom experience, enhancing their ability to compete in the academic job market.

Outside Grants and Fellowships for Students

Our doctoral students have an outstanding record of receiving grants and fellowships from research centers and agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the IEEE, the Chemical Heritage Foundation, the Hagley Museum and Library, AAAS/RAND, and the Sloan Foundation. The graduate director and your dissertation advisor can provide valuable advice about possible research funding.