Scholarships and Awards

The School of History and Sociology awards a scholarship to an incoming first-year student, the Bellon Scholarship; a major undergraduate prize at the end of each academic year, the Bellon Award; and an award for the best research paper of the year, the Chair's Award). HTS majors are also eligible for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Dean's Scholarship.

  • The Bellon Award is given in memory of the late Professor Bernard P. Bellon to a B.S.-HTS student who has distinguished themself in the areas of academic achievement, leadership, research, and personal integrity.  Preference is given to a student who is in the third year or above in the HTS major. Nominations of students by HSOC faculty are due in February each year, and the prize is given at the annual Georgia Tech Student Honors Luncheon and Award Ceremony. The Bellon Award includes a cash prize of $1,000.
  • The Bellon Scholarship is given to an incoming first-year student in memory of the late Professor Bernard P. Bellon. The award recognizes a student who has distinguished themself in the areas of academic achievement, leadership, research, and personal integrity during the high school years. The Bellon Scholarship includes a one-time cash award of $1,000.
  • The Chair's Award is given each spring to the HTS major who has written the best research paper in the prior calendar year. Papers are nominated by faculty members in April and then reviewed by a faculty committee to select the winner. The quality of the research, quality of the writing, strength of the analysis, and originality form the basis of the review criteria. The Chair's Award includes a cash prize of $250.
  • The Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts Dean's Scholarship is awarded in recognition of incoming freshmen with a high school record of academic excellence, visionary leadership, and outstanding public service. Scholarships are awarded in the spring to high school students who enroll for the fall semester in majors within the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.