A large cluster of scholars examine global society and politics since the turn of the 20th century, with particular emphasis on issues of nationalism and global governance since 1914.
The group is centered on the study of Europe, but with important links to Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas. Its members pay particular attention to the interplay of science and technology with evolving political ideals and practical governmental arrangements. Researchers consider the rise and decline of Communism, the legacies of imperialism and decolonization, and the formation and function of the EU.
For more information, visit the Modern Global History / Science, Technology and Nationalism faculty page.
Laura Bier
Middle East; Gender and ModernizationHelen Anne Curry
Science and Technology of AgricultureHanchao Lu
Modern China; Culture, Society, and PoliticsAmit Prasad
Global, Transnational, and Post/de-colonial sociology of Science, Technology, and MedicineJennifer Singh
Science, Technology, and Society; AutismJohn Tone
Modern Spain and Cuba; Warfare and DiseaseGermán Vergara
Latin America; Mexico; IndustrializationBill Winders
Global Agriculture and Development