Minor in Health, Medicine, and Society

The Health, Medicine, and Society minor is a program of study for undergraduate students who are interested in the health and medical professions.

Humanities and social science perspectives on health and medicine equip students to address important topics, such as the ethics of biomedical research; the nature of medical discovery; the relationships among race, gender, and health; the global impact of public health issues; and the cost of health care delivery. Understanding these and related issues is essential to developing informed, thoughtful, and ethically enlightened leaders in the fields of health and medicine.


  • Select five courses for a total of fifteen hours.
  • Approved courses include the following:
    • ECON 4510 Economics of Health and Healthcare***
    • HTS 2080  Introduction to the History of Disease and Medicine*
    • HTS 3086  Sociology of Health and Medicine
    • HTS 3088  Race, Medicine, and Science
    • HTS 4086 Seminar on Health, Medicine, and Society**
    • LMC 3219 Literature and Medicine
    • LMC 3318 Biomedicine and Culture
    • PUBP 3244 Stem Cell Science, Ethics, and Policy
    • PUBP 4630 Law, Medicine, and Ethics
    • PUBP 48X3 Special Topics: Health Disparities
    • PUBP 48X3 Special Topics: Public Health Policy in Practice
    (*NOTE: Credit not allowed for both HTS 2080 and HTS 3087) 
    (**NOTE: HTS 4086 has a pre-requisite of HTS 2101, Research Methods.  An exception will be made for students
        in the HMS minor who have taken a comparable research methods class.)
    (***NOTE: ECON 4510 has a prerequisite of ECON 2100, ECON 2101, or ECON 2106)
  • Three hours taken outside of the list of approved electives may be counted toward the minor, with approval of the School.
  • Courses required by name and number and/or used to satisfy Core Areas A through E in a student's major degree program may not be used in satisfying the course requirements for a minor.
  • All courses must be taken on a letter-grade basis; each course must be completed with a grade of C or better. 
  • A maximum of 6 semester hours of Special Topics courses may be included in a minor program or the student may complete 3 semester hours of Special Topics and 3 semester hours of either Special Problems or Undergraduate Research.  Students may not use 6 semester hours of either Special Problems or Undergraduate Research for a minor.
  • To learn more about the rules and regulations governing minors, visit the Georgia Tech Catalog.
  • For more information on the Health, Medicine, and Society minor, email Ms. Sonya Boadu.
  • To add the Health, Medicine, and Society minor, please complete the Change of Minor Form (Docusign).